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Top 7 Contractor Mistakes That Umbrella Companies Can Fix

27 July 2023 | News

Building a Strong Professional Network

Contracting work offers many advantages, such as flexibility and higher earning potential. However, it also comes with its fair share of challenges. Many contractors are overwhelmed by administrative tasks, tax complexities, and legal obligations. This is where umbrella companies come in.

These companies act as intermediaries between contractors and clients, providing various services to simplify the contracting process. This article will discuss seven common contractor mistakes that umbrella companies can fix.

1. Inadequate Tax Compliance

Tax compliance is a crucial aspect of contracting work. However, tax regulations can be complex and constantly evolving. Many umbrella contractors struggle to keep up with the latest tax laws and fail to meet their obligations.

Umbrella companies have expert accountants who ensure contractors comply with tax regulations, manage their tax affairs, and ensure accurate tax calculations. This helps contractors avoid penalties and ensures their taxes are paid correctly.

2. Late Invoicing and Payment Issues

One common mistake contractors make is late invoicing or facing payment issues. This can result in cash flow problems and affect their financial stability.

Umbrella companies handle the administrative tasks of invoicing and payment processing. They ensure that invoices are prepared and submitted on time, and they chase up payments from clients, ensuring contractors receive their rightful payment promptly.

3. IR35 Compliance

IR35 legislation determines whether a contractor should be considered an employee for tax purposes. Failure to comply with IR35 regulations can result in severe financial penalties.

Umbrella companies provide expert advice and guidance on IR35 compliance, helping contractors understand their status and ensure they operate within legal boundaries.

4. Lack of Employment Benefits

Contractors often miss out on employment benefits that regular employees enjoy, such as sick pay, holiday pay, and pension contributions. Umbrella companies act as contractors’ employers, providing them access to employment benefits.

Contractors can benefit from statutory employment benefits, ensuring they have a safety net in case of illness or other unforeseen circumstances.

5. Legal and Contractual Issues

Navigating legal and contractual matters can be challenging for contractors, especially when dealing with multiple clients and projects. Umbrella companies offer legal support, reviewing and negotiating contracts for contractors. They ensure that contracts are fair, protect the contractor’s rights, and minimise potential legal risks.

6. Lack of Insurance Coverage

Contractors need appropriate insurance coverage to protect themselves against potential liabilities. Many contractors overlook the importance of insurance or struggle to find the right policies.

Umbrella companies offer comprehensive insurance coverage, including professional indemnity insurance and public liability insurance. This ensures that contractors have adequate protection should any unforeseen incidents occur.

7. Limited Financial Planning

Contracting work often involves fluctuating income and uncertain financial situations. Many contractors struggle with financial planning and managing their finances effectively.

Umbrella companies provide financial planning services, helping contractors create budgets, manage expenses, and plan for the future. They support tax planning, ensuring contractors maximise their earnings and retirement savings.


Contracting work can be demanding and complex, with numerous pitfalls impacting contractors’ financial stability and legal compliance. Umbrella companies play a vital role in fixing common contractor mistakes, providing various services to simplify the contracting process.

From tax compliance and invoicing to legal support and insurance coverage, umbrella companies ensure contractors can focus on their work, knowing that their administrative and compliance tasks are handled. By partnering with an umbrella company, contractors can avoid costly mistakes and enjoy a hassle-free contracting experience.

Are you a contractor struggling with financial planning? Take control of your finances with WIS Umbrella’s comprehensive umbrella services for contractors. Maximise your earnings, save for retirement, and enjoy a hassle-free contracting experience. Contact us today for expert financial planning and support!

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